Daniel and Cynthia Boone and their sons Jim, Dan and John, came by ox drawn wagons from Missouri to Texas soon after the close of the Civil War. Their caravan endured two attacks by hostile Indians, but no lives were lost. The family settled first near Lewisville and moved later to Tarrant County. The parents, Daniel and Cynthia, are buried near the Smithfield Road, on the Margaret Tarwater farm.
Jim established his home in the Smithfield community. John, a confederate veteran, and Dan chose the area a few miles west of present day Keller.
John was married in the 1860’s to Mary Ellen Crawford, daughter of William and Mary Catherine Gash Crawford. Their farm home included a timbered area known for many years as Boone’s point. They became parents of twelve children.
The children of John and Mary Ellen Boone are as follows:
1) Lillie, married; 1. _______Brooks, 2. _________Lone (sic). 2) Rosie was married November 11, 1888 to Mike Stateham. 3) Annie married Andy Flanagan. 4) Etta died in infancy. 5) Bertie married Charlie Everett. 6) Calvin married Effie Hollis. 7) Cora Etta married Arthur Ponder. 8) Hardy married Annie McGinnis. 9) Mary Ellen married Will Little. 10) Fannie, married; 1. Doc Autry, 2. Bob Orrick, 3. George McMullen. 11) Johnnie died in infancy. 12) Walter died in infancy.